Friday, September 12, 2008

Ain't No Cowboy - Minor Anatomical Adjustments

Today was spent in the Otterbanks Gallery and Gifts. I made adjustments to the curve of the posterior and the cleavage of the cowgirl. Both were in bad need of refinement.
First I defined the curve of the buttock.

Next I had to improve her cleavage. Cutting away the shirt allows me to work on her chest without any hindrance. I use a brush soaked in lighter fluid to smooth the skin. Then I put the parts of the shirt back on that I cut away.

During the afternoon, we had a Homecoming Parade in down Main Street for Ennis High School. All the school grades took part. Thought I'd share some photo's of a small town parade.

Tomorrow I work on the pants and the face. Primarily the mouth and cheeks.

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